Sponsor our ball hockey fundraising tournament which will take place on March 22nd 2025!
As it is totally independent, École Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel receives no government assistance, and its financial burden (rent, maintenance, salaries, equipment, etc.) falls mostly on the parents and generous donors. This hockey tournament will help us provide financial aid bursaries for families who couldn’t otherwise offer this alternative to their children.
Votre soutien aura un impact important pour les familles de la région qui ne pourraient pas s’offrir cette alternative sans votre aide.
There are many sponsorship options. If none of these suit you, we will be happy to work with you to find something that is a better fit for your business.
Niveaux de commandites
250 $
- Corporate name and logo displayed during the event
- Corporate name and logo displayed on ndmc.ca website, with link to your website – for 1 year
- Verbal recognition during the event
Corporate name and logo displayed on our Facebook page - Corporate name and logo displayed in our newsletter for 1 year.
200 $
- Corporate name and logo displayed during the event
- Corporate name and logo displayed on ndmc.ca website, with link to your website – for 1 year
- Verbal recognition during the event
Corporate name and logo displayed on our Facebook page - Corporate name and logo displayed in our newsletter for 1 year.
100 $
- Corporate name displayed during the event
- Corporate name displayed on ndmc.ca website, with link to your website – for 1 year
- Verbal recognition during the event
Corporate name displayed on our Facebook page - Corporate name displayed in our newsletter for 1 year.
Other options
Cash or non-cash gifts (items for the championship prize)
Admissible for donation receipt for fiscal purposes
Donation of a gift-card or certificate
Not admissible for tax receipts.
By E-transfer:
Download and fill out the form and send your payment to finances@ndmc.ca
– indicate “Ball Hockey Sponsorship” in the description.
By mail:
Fill out and print the form linked below: